Shakespearean tragedy : comparison with Greek tragedy


This is my own understanding about shakespearean plays comparison with the Greek tragedy. First of all we have to understand the term of tragedy.

Aristotle provides a definition of tragedy  we can break up into seven parts: 

(1) It involves mimesis

(2) It is serious; 

(3)The action is complete and with magnitude; 

(4)It is made up of language with the "aesthetic ornaments" of rhythm and harmony; 

(5)These "aesthetic ornaments" are not used uniformly throughout, but are introduced in separate parts of the work, so that, for instance, some bits are spoken in verse and other bits are sung; 

(6)It is performed rather than narrated; and 

(7)It arouses the emotions of pity and fear and accomplishes a catharsis (purification or purgation or tempering/moderation or satisfaction) of these emotions.

Next, Aristotle asserts that any tragedy can be divided into six component parts, and that every tragedy is made up of these six parts with nothing else besides. There is (a) the spectacle (opsis), which is the overall visual appearance of the stage and the actors. The means of imitation (language, rhythm, and harmony) can be divided into 

(b) melody/songs (melos), and 

(c) diction, (lexis) which has to do with the composition of the verses/versification of dialogues. The agents (medium) of the action can be understood in terms of 

(d)character (ethos) and 

(e)thought. Thought (dianoia) seems to denote the intellectual qualities of an agent while character seems to denote the moral qualities (ethics) of an agent. Finally, there is 

(f)the plot(Fable), or mythos, which is the harmonious combination/arrangements of incidents and actions in the story.

Characteristics of Greek tragedy

Greek tragedy was a popular and influential form of drama performed in theaters across ancient Greece from the late 6th century B.C. The most acclaimed Greek tragedians are AESCHYLUS ,SOPHOCLES and EURIPIDES. The exact origins of tragedy are debated amongst scholars.

◆ Features :-

1] Tragic hero:

At the centre of a tragedy it is hero,the main character or protagonist. The tragic hero is a person of high rank who accepts his or her downfall with dignity.

2] Tragic flow:

An error in judgement or a weakness in character such as pride or arrogance. A tragic hero suffers due to tragic flow.

3] Catastrophe :

A tragedy ends with a catastrophe a disastrous conclusion that usually involves multiple deaths ,if the tragic hero does not die then he or she suffers complete ruin.

4] Chorus :

A chorus plays a vital role in tragedy. Throughout a tragedy ,a chorus ,a mass group of actors observe and comment on the action through song.

5] Fate and chance  :

The ancient Greek tragedy believes an idea of fate or a destiny preordained by the Gods no matter what action a person takes in the present the fates or moral where three Goddess who determined the length of person’s suffering. It would contain Greeks believed that no one could escape their fate not even the God’s themselves.

6] Very few characters - 

In beginning there was only one character (7th century B. C.), after time by time some innovation got placed, like in 6th - 5th century B. C., there came an innovation in characters. Now Greek tragedy was having two or sometimes more characters, but not more then four.

7] Main theme: religious - 

In Greek drama main theme was always related to God. In the beginning, drama was only performed on the festival of Dionysus, long narrative poems exploits of Gods were recited by a choral group.

8]Hamartia ( fault in character ) 

The ancient Greeks believed in the idea of fate or destiny preordained by the God' no matter what action a person takes in the present. The fate or Moirai, were three Goddess who determined the length of person's life and how much suffering it would contain. Hamartia means the fault in the hero's character which is leading to the downfall of tragic hero.

9]Peripeteia (reversal) - 

Aristotle, in his poetics, define Peripeteia as " a change by which the action veers round to its opposite, subject always to our rule of probability or necessity" Peripeteia is the most powerful part of a plot in a tragedy along with discovery.

10]Anagnorisis ( recognition) - 

Anagnorisis is a moment in a play when character makes a critical discovery. ( Hero's sudden awareness of a real situation, the realization of things as they stood, and finally, the hero's insight into a relationship with an often antagonist character).

◆comparison between Greek tragedy and Shakespearian tragedy◆

Even Shakespeare never followed the Aristotelian unities, the influence of Greek drama could be seen in his tragedies. There are some similarities as well as differences between the two.

Both, the Greek tragedy and Elizabethan tragedy shows the fall of the protagonist who holds a high position in society, from glory to wretchedness. There should be a central character and the plot should be revolving round the central character.

Difference in plot :

A plot is the ordering of events in the logical manner. According to Aristotle it is the soul and life blood of a tragedy.

Greek tragedies had a good beginning, middle and end. The beginning in self explanatory. The plot moves in linear way.

Shakespearean tragedy never starts from the very beginning. Something has already happened before the play begins. The plot moves in a complex manner.

Greeks had a theocenric vision. Ancient Greek tragedy is basically modeled upon an essentially religious base. It shows a Divine power that controls and destroy human life.

In Greek tragedy "destiny is character". The fate cannot be changed. The utter helplessness of the character in the struggle against their fate is shown.

e.g. Oedipus in 'Oedipus Tyrannous'

Elizabethan believed in the anthropocentric universe. In Elizabethan tragedy "character is destiny". The entire emphasis is laid upon the individual in bringing about his ruin.

e.g. The vaulting ambition of Macbeth leads to his doom.

Difference in Tragic hero :

At the center of the tragedy is its hero, the protagonist. Both the Greek and Shakespearean tragedies have same kind of tragic hero. A tragic hero is a towering personality in his state, hails from the high stratum of society and holds high position. The hero's fall due to some flow in their character. His wrong judgment lead him to face his death. In Greek tragedy fate also play an important role in the fall of hero.

Greek tragedy had only three actors and they wore masks.

Shakespearean tragedy never had such restrictions. They concentrated in their costumes.

In the Greek  tragedies women were not allowed to act in stage. Women characters were played by males. But in Shakespearean tragedies we see woman play a roll on stage. 

Difference in chorus:

The Greek used chorus as a dramatic device. Chorus was a group of characters (consisting fifteen members) who remained aloof from the action and comments upon the scene by singing and dancing.

There is a complete absence of chorus in Shakespearean tragedy. There is no need of chorus because every action takes place on the stage.

In Greek tragedy chorus provided time gap between two tragic scenes.

Chorus was replaced by a comic scene in Shakespearean tragedy. A comic scene between tragic action provide a relief to the audience.

Greek tragedy were never a bland of emotions. They never include comedy in a tragic play. But in Shakespearean tragedy we see some kind of comedy scenes.

Shakespearean tragedies had space for comic elements too.

Greek tragedies never staged any scene of violence. Such scenes were described by chorus. But we see that in Shakespearean tragedy there are many scene of violence. For example in Macbeth - murder of banqo and his son.

Elizabethan tragedies staged every scene that is there in the play.

Both the Greek and Shakespearean tragedy ends with a catastrophe, a disastrous conclusion that usually involves multiple deaths. If the tragic hero does not die he suffers complete ruin.

Error of judgment :

It's a shame that murder can become a person s addiction. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Error in Macbeth's judgment causes him to go from a noble man to a cold hearted, bloodthirsty murderer. The murders of Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff s family, cause Macbeth's deterioration in character.

There are three unities in Shakespearean tragedies

Unity of action :

The unity of action implies that the action represented in the play should be one single whole without any sub plot.

Unity of time :

The unity of time implies that the time presented in the play should be limited to two or three hours. It takes to act the play or at most a single day of either twelve or twenty four hours.

Unity of place :

The tragic action portrayed in the play should be limited to a single location.

The Greek clearly obeyed the three unities in their tragedies. These unities were observed in order to create a feeling of reality amount the audience. 

In  short, tragedy is a kind of drama that presents a serious subject matter about human suffering and corresponding terrible events in a dignified manner. There are alot of differences in Greek tragedy and Elizabethan tragedy. Both era have influenced modern theaters simply because the Greek so obviously influenced Elizabethan theaters….

1555 words

Thinking Activity on Metaphysical poetry

 Thinking activity on metaphysical poetry 

Department of English MK Bhavnagar University 

The guest lecture was organised on the topic Metaphysical Poetry and Dr. R K Mandalia was invited as the guest lecturer. Dr. R. K. Mandalia is the Head of the English department of Sardar Patel University in Anand. Dr. Dilip Barad, the head of English department of M.K. Bhavnagar University, invites him every year for better understanding of the topic. Every year sir invites him at department, but this year in Corona time we meet online. 

As part of the syllabus, there are six metaphysical poems, all written by John Donne. Mandalia sir has immense deep knowledge of this topic and students also enjoy every moment of this three-day's session. This blog is assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad via Google Classroom.

Definition of metaphysical poetry :-

Highly intellectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity and subtlety of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.

The term metaphysical or metaphysics in poetry is the fruit of renaissance tree, becoming over ripe and approaching pure science. “Meta” means “beyond” and “physics” means “physical nature”. Metaphysical poetry means poetry that goes beyond the physical world of the senses and explores the spiritual world. Metaphysical poetry began early in the Jacobean age in the last stage of the age of Shakespeare. John Donne was the leader and founder of the metaphysical school of poetry. Dryden used this word at first and said that Donne “affects the metaphysics”. Among other metaphysical poets are Abraham Cowley, Henry Vaughan, Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, Robert Herrick etc.

They felt that if they continue writing poetry in same manner as other writer like philip Sidney, Shakespeare, Admund Spenser or some other Elizabethans their poetry would be neglected because people get tired of same the same thing again and again. So they made a conscious attempt to differ from others.

"No traditions remains for ever ".

This is like our mandaliya sir said that there are two movies. But one is very famous and other one with same concept is become flop, this are



So let's discuss about characteristics of metaphysical poetry.

◆General Features :-

A group of posts emerged in the second half of the 16th century who's poetry is identified as the metaphysical poetry. It was Dr. Samuel Johnson - A classicist of the neo classical age who named the poetry of Donne and his school as the "Metaphysical poetry". This is one quote by T. S. Eliot

●First Criticized and Then welcomed poetries :-

Johnson used this term while writing about the life of Abraham Cowley in his biographical work with the title "The Lives Of The English Poets". Dr. Johnson wanted to criticize their poetry of Donne and his followers by using the term "Metaphysical poetry". But with the passing of time the same term became the term of appraisal for their poetry. 

Different Attempt Of Writing :-

The Metaphysicals - john Donne, Jeorge Herbert, Richard Crashaw and Andrew Marvel made a conscious attempt to differ from others and particularly from the previous poets, so that their poetry may be noticed by the readers. Ons critic mentioned that…

"It was the demand of time for the metaphysicals to differ from the poets of the previous age". 

Had they continued writing poetry in the same manner, just like the former poets their poetry would have been rejected by the readers. Duo to new learning and Reformation of the Elizabethan age, the intellectual level of the readers had gone upward and so the metaphysical poets tried to be intellectual in the writing of their poetry.

●Far Fetched Images :-

The best way for the metaphysical to differ from the previous poets and to be intellectual in the writing of their poetry was to use Far Fetched images and conceits. They tried to avoid using images from those field which were thickly associated with the theme of their poetry.

●No Music :-

Highlighting one remarkable feature of the metaphysical poetry dr Samuel Johnson stated that their poetry stood a trial of their finger but not of the ear that means there is no music in the poetry which they wrote, there is no rhythm to be found in the poetry of the metaphysical poets.

"The poetry of the metaphysical poets stood a trial of their finger but failed in the trial of the ears".

-Dr Johnson

So we can see that there is no use of music in metaphysical poetry.

●Different Images :-

In order to express either love or their faith chiritianity they brought their images from different fields, just like..






Political science.

This gave unique identity to their poetry. There is one fine example of this is…

"Is there all beauty in painted chair

Must we call only that stair case

Which has got winding stair…"

This is the few lines of the poem jordan. This example is given by mandaliya sir. Let's have look on some examples :

  • The first example is of John Donne who made use of a biographical image the flea for the expression of love in his poem "The Flea".

  • George Herbert made use of an image from the field of mechanical engineering for the expression of his faith in Christianity. The example is a poem with the title "The Pully". Pully is an image of mechanical engineering but in this poem that image is used to state that restlessness is also a pully, which gives a connection between the creator and the creation.

  • Andrew marvell made use of geometrical image for the expression of love. The example is "To His Coy Mistress".

In brief all metaphysical poets made extensive use of far fetched images in their poetry.

◆Example of Metaphysical Poetry◆

Let's see some examples of metaphysical poems 

● Death Be Not Proud :-

This poem Death Be Not Proud' is a sonnet written by the English author John Donne (1572-1631). The poem is here...

Donne initially wrote poems based on romance, but moved into more religious themes as his career matured. In his later life, he converted from Catholicism to Anglicanism, the official Church of England. His later poems reflect his deep religious faith and his life as an ordained priest and dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. 'Death Be Not Proud' is a piece showing the religious undertones in Donne's poetry.

●The Flea :-

"The Flea" is a poem by the English poet John Donne, most likely written in the 1590s. In “The Flea,” the speaker tries to seduce his mistress with a surprising (and potentially gross) extended metaphor: both he and she have been bitten by the same flea, meaning their separate blood now mingles inside the flea’s body. Having sex is no different, the speaker argues, and no more dishonorable. His mistress should therefore yield to him. Though the metaphor is intentionally pretty crude, maybe even juvenile, the speaker infuses the poem with religious undertones: the union of speaker and mistress in the flea is like the Holy Trinity. In this way, the poem is both serious and silly, elegant and vulgar. It is as much a display of wit and erudition as a serious attempt to seduce the mistress.

●To His Coy Mistress :-

“To His Coy Mistress” is a metaphysical poem in which the speaker attempts to persuade his resistant lover that they should have sexual intercourse. He explains that if they had all the time in the world, he would have no problem with their relationship moving this slowly. However, he goes on to explain, they are mortal, and once they die they will be unable to be intimate together. The poem appears to serve dual purposes: first, to persuade the mistress to love, and second, to comment on mortality in its inevitability and grotesqueness. It is the latter objective which adds the philosophical aspect to this love poem.

●The Dream :-

"The Dream" is a poem written by John Donne. This is a poem about a dream which Donne had. He was greatly in love, but when he awoke he was still in great love. However, he realized that love is not without pain and fear. Nonetheless, those feelings will not break his spirit and he will continue to dream of how great love is and can be.

●The Sun Rising :-

"The Sun Rising" is a poem written by the English poet John Donne. Donne wrote a wide range of social satire, sermons, holy sonnets, elegies, and love poems throughout his lifetime, and he is perhaps best known for the similarities between his erotic poetry and his religious poetry. Much of his work, including "The Sun Rising," was published after his death in the 1633 collection Songs and Sonnets. We imagine the picture of sun rising, this is very beautiful scene we ever seen.

In "The Sun Rising," the speaker orders the sun to warm his bed so that he and his lover can stay there all day instead of getting up to go to work. The poem's playful use of language and extended metaphor exemplifies Donne's style across his work, erotic and religious alike.

●The Ecstasy :-

The poem The Ecstasy is one of John Donne's most popular poems, which expresses his unique and unconventional ideas about love. It expounds the theme that pure, spiritual or real love can exist only in the bond of souls established by the bodies. For Donne, true love only exists when both bodies and souls are inextricably united. Donne criticizes the platonic lover who excludes the body and emphasizes the soul.

●Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe :-

Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is a metaphysical poem written by John Donne. Here is video about the poem,

In this love poem, the poet portrays the power of true love.poet tells his beloved that he is not running away thinking that he is fed up with it or he is expecting a better love or “fitter love.” He is going because he has a desire to die in the state of bliss. He wants that when death actually comes, he is fully prepared to face death.

The poet assures his beloved that he will come back exactly as the sun comes back every day. The poet promises him that his return will be faster than the sun because he has reason to return soon. 

The poet tells his beloved not to mourn his visit. The pain of the poet is also distressed by seeing her sad. He tells her that she will be present with him. Both souls are connected to each other, so there is no question of separation. There is no question of death.

The poet finally concludes that love is immortal.

1805 words

Sunday Reading Task : Word of the year 2016 by Oxford dictionaries "post-trut"h

 # Sunday reading task on the word " post-truth" 

# Department of English mkbu

Oxford Dictionaries has declared "post-truth" as its 2016 international word of the year, reflecting what it called a "highly-charged" political 12 months.The Oxford Word of the Year is a word or expression that has attracted a great deal of interest over the last 12 months. Every year, we debate candidates for word of the year and choose a winner that is judged to reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year and to have lasting potential as a word of cultural significance.

●Definition of the word :-

" Post-truth is an adjective defined as ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief ".

【-Oxford dictionaries】

Oxford dictionaries declared "post-truth" to be the international word of the year. The editors said that use of the word had increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to previous year, and attributed it's rise to the context of the EU referendum and the presidential election in the US.

"It wouldn't be surprised if post-truth becomes one of the defining words of our time".

    -OED President Casper Grathwohl

It is our decision how we will react to a world in which someone is trying to pull the wool ever our eyes. Truth still matters, as it always has. Whether we realize this in time is up to us. How we arrived in a post-truth era, when "alternative facts" replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence. 

Everyday we all covered with wrong information and fake news. And without any knowledge we simply believe in this all fake news. We simply forward all messages in our groups without any confirmation or proof. We don't see the truth of any news but believe in social media. 

We all used to choose an easy way for doing our work. And it makes more wider area for fake sources. We don't use complexe path for any answers.

Generally we are controlled by social media !!! What they tell we blindly believe them. It is like that…

In present time nobody wants to know that this is right or wrong, even they don't recognize what is right and what is wrong. I find one gujarati story which is very appropriate :

This is the time in which we live, we can't even speak truth against well known figures. 

"During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act".

-George Orwell

The sad reality of the post-truth era where education is no longer valued and comfortable lies with no evidence is valued. 

Political parties use social media as source of fake news and spread wrong information about other opposition parties. This type of politics play very vital role in every country. Social media is very easy platform to them.

When we talk we are only repeating what we already know, but when we listen, we might learn something new. It is depend on us that do not believe blindly in everyone, think , take help of Google ગુરૂ and then build any opinions.

Some facts of post-truth era :-

Truth is adonai with all your heart; do not rely on it own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your path. The selective use of facts that prop up one's position, and the complete rejection of facts that do not, seems part and parcel of creating the new post-truth reality.

Some examples :-

Here are some examples that can express this word :

This is how social media show the reality of any truth. Role of social media now days become very important because this is the way to reach information to everyone.

So, it's is our responsibility to check the existence of any news and then believe in them.

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